Stepped-Up Basis

Estate Planning For Residential Property Using A Qualified Personal Residence Trust

If you own your principal residence, you’re likely aware that you can benefit from the home’s build-up in equity, realize current tax breaks, and pocket a sizable tax-exempt gain when you sell it.

And from an estate planning perspective, it may benefit you to transfer ownership of your home to a qualified personal residence trust (QPRT). Using a QPRT, you can continue to live in the home for the duration of the trust’s term. When the term ends, the remainder interest passes to designated beneficiaries.

A Qualified Personal Residence Trust In Action

When you transfer a home to a QPRT, it’s removed from your taxable estate. The transfer of the remainder interest is subject to gift tax, but tax resulting from this future gift is generally reasonable. The IRS uses the Section 7520 rate, which is updated monthly, to calculate the tax. For September 2024, the rate is 4.8%, down from the year’s high thus far of 5.6% in June.

You must appoint a trustee to manage the QPRT. Frequently, the grantor will act as the trustee. Alternatively, it can be another family member, friend, or professional advisor.

Typically, the home being transferred to the QPRT is your principal residence. However, a QPRT may also be used for a second home, such as a vacation house.

What happens if you die before the end of the trust’s term? Then, the home is included in your taxable estate. Although this defeats the intentions of the trust, your family is no worse off than it was before you created the QPRT.

There’s no definitive period of time for the trust term, but the longer the term, the smaller the value of the remainder interest for tax purposes. Avoid choosing a term longer than your life expectancy. Doing so will help reduce the chance that the home will be included in your estate should you die before the end of the term. If you sell the home during the term, you must reinvest the proceeds in another home that will be owned by the QPRT and subject to the same trust provisions.

So long as you live in the residence, you must continue to pay the monthly bills, including property taxes, maintenance and repair costs, and insurance. Because the QPRT is a grantor trust, you’re entitled to deduct qualified expenses on your tax return, within the usual limits.

Potential Drawbacks

When a QPRT’s term ends, the trust’s beneficiaries become owners of the home, at which point you’ll need to pay them a fair market rental rate if you want to continue to live there. Despite the fact that it may feel strange to have to pay rent to live in “your” home, at that point, it’s no longer your home. Further, paying rent generally coincides with the objective of shifting more assets to younger loved ones.

It’s also worth noting that a QPRT is an irrevocable trust. In other words, you can’t revise the trust or back out of the deal. The worst that can happen is you pay rent to your beneficiaries if you outlive the trust’s term or the home reverts to your estate if you don’t. In addition, the beneficiaries will owe income tax on any rental income.

Contact us to determine if a QPRT is right for your estate plan.

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