#KPMCPAs Announces Sponsorship of Biz 417’s 2019 #417LadiesWhoLaunch Event

#TeamKPM #WomenLeaders, including Marketing Director Crystal Mapp and Human Resources Director Sara Choate, attended Biz 417 #WomenWhoMeanBusiness #BizBSchool this morning and left feeling inspired! We are women supporting women as wives, mothers, sisters, AND career-driven, ambitious women in #KPMLeadership positions. #KPMCPAs stands by our commitment to promoting women in leadership, and as announced this morning during the event, #KPMCPAs is SO EXCITED to sponsor #417LadiesWhoLaunch happening Thursday, July 18 at the new Glendalough Conference Center! Join the professional women of #417Land for this event featuring an amazing lineup of speakers. Purchase tickets for a day of women’s empowerment, education, and engagement here. #KPMSponsored #KPMNews

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